Sublimation on metal

Sublimation on metal

How does sublimation on ChromaLuxe metal works?

The secret is in coatings and how do they applied to the surface. Depending on metal type (white, gold or silver, aluminium with glossy or mat layer), there are several sublimation coatings which are apply on the high quality aluminium. When coating procedure is completed, metal is cutting into various shapes and sizes, then ChormaLuxe metal is ready for sublimation process. Custom design printing demands special sublimation colors which are converting into gas on certain temperature. During the heating, sublimation coating pores are opening and receiving gas. As product cools, pores are closing and keeping color inside sublimation coating.

It is difficult to damage coating or color layer because the coating is very firm. This is the advantage of this type of print. Also, because of the color which stays between external coating and metal basic, the magic characteristic of the color is obtained.

How does the tile quality and coating quality affect the results of sublimation?

There is a big difference in tile quality just as in coating quality. Difference in coating is in shiny tiles. If it is softer coating and you use stronger pressure, you will get appearance of orange peel on glossy coating. That peel is brushed coating which occurs under high pressure. When you use high pressure, paper fibers are pressed in glossy coating and as a result you will get mat look. To avoid that brushed shape you can use firmer coatings, high quality tiles or lower pressure.

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